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Final conference of ProFuture, 13-14 SEPTEMBER, 2023

Wednesday 13th september, Amparo Jimenez Quero by KTH presented CIRCALGAE Project during the conference : “Microalgae for the foods and feeds of the future” at the Final Conference of the European ProFuture Project. Coordinated by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA) in Spain, this event was organised at COMET LOUISE, BRUSSELS and online the 13th and 14th September.

ProFuture is a European-funded research project that aims to boost the production and use of microalgae protein-rich ingredients in food and feed.

Over this event, several themes were addressed such as the main results of the project, the latest research findings and future directions for research and innovation on microalgae.

Also, two of CIRCALGAE partners likewise realised some presentation at this conference, because they are also partners of the ProFuture project. These are Geert Bruggeman from Nutrition Sciences N.V and Liina Vaher from CIVITTA

Finally, Amparo and Liina took part to the Panel Discussion: “What are the challenges of bringing microalgae to the market?”.

Participating to this event has been a good opportunity to build synergies

Thank you ProFuture Project !


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