Report of the Definition of Requirements and Specifications for Final Products

In this report, CEAMSA and Salata, as partners in charge of the validation of ingredients in food applications, in collaboration with cosmetic validators, RNB, Saponia and Zeto; and Nutrition Science, responsible for feed applications, worked together on the definition of functional and safety requirements of ingredients developed in the project frame. Apart from mentioned partners, CSIC and SAFE played an important role on the revision of the different amendments with a global perspective of the project needs.  

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Report of the algae-derived product market in Europe

At the end of the first year of the CIRCALGAE project, CIVITTA produced a deliverable regarding algae-derived product market in Europe.

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The current algae industry in Europe

During the first semester of the CIRCALGAE project, CEVA produced one of the first deliverable of the project by writing the “Report of the current algae industry in Europe” in the WP1.

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